Find out the roots of Christmas, Valentines day, and Catholicism. They all have something in common which may surprise you and change your way of seeing things. As I said before, following Jesus is a way of life, NOT a religion. I wish you all the peace and joy of Jesus Christ through the Holy Spirit.
Is your curiosity is piqued? Then come join us as we investigate this headline – is the Pope hiding something ancient from the public? In this video, we'll investigate the evidence and see if the Pope is hiding the remains of Jesus Christ. Will we find out what this secret is? Tune in and find out! What if the Pope is not who the world thinks he is.
#Sungod #SonOfGod #VicarOfChrist #JesusAndHisFather #Christmas #WinterSolstice #FalseReligions #FollowOnlyJesus #MaryWasMortal #PrayandWorshipOnlyJesus #SomethingImpossible #ShroudOfTurin #GodBlessingsForYou #ShroudOfTurinDocumentary #ShroudOfTurinMystery #ShroudOfTurinDNA #ShroudOfTurinProof #ShroudOfTurinAnalysis #JesusBurialCloth #ShroudOfTurinScientificDiscovery #ShroudOfTurin2024 #NewDiscoveryProofOfJesusChrist #ShroudOfTurinUnexplained #MiracleRelicsOfJesus #TheBloodOfJesus

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